How to Choose Security Film for Your Kansas City Home
Choosing the right residential security film is all about exploring your options. While certain security films may be preferred by some Kansas City homeowners, others may not be as well suited due to aesthetic or practical reasons. Security window film can come in many forms. Different options offer varying levels of protectiveness and may be better suited for some environments as well. Budget can also play a factor, which can be accommodated by the right window tinting company.
The staff at Window Tint Kansas City is dedicated to meeting all your home security needs. When you work with us, we’ll pair you up with a home security consultant who can provide you with expert advice on which option will work best for your security needs and compliment your home’s architecture. No matter your budget or individual needs, we’re confident we can find the right option for you.
Residential Security Film Applications
Whether you’re looking into security film to add privacy to your home or are more concerned about safety issues, our window films can meet your needs. Our residential security films can be used for various applications, including glass strengthening, privacy, solar protection, and more.
Storms & Hail
Kansas City is prone to experiencing tornadoes, hail, and all types of severe weather. Glass is one of the most serious dangers during storms as it can be easily damaged by objects or pressure. Window tint protects against storms by holding glass shards in place.
Glass Strengthening
There are many things that can break your windows – flying rocks, hail, stray baseballs, and much more. Keep your family safe from glass damage by using window tint as a glass strengthening agent.
Solar Benefits
Days in Kansas City can get hot and humid, sometimes to the point where it can be unbearable even inside your home. Window tint blocks out excess heat, keeping your space cool and comfortable and saving money on energy costs.
Privacy Benefits
You should feel comfortable in your home. With window tint, you’ll never have to worry about privacy invasion or being exposed to neighbors, salespeople, or strangers passing by.
Break-In Protection
Desperate people do crazy things. Some will even go so far as to break into your home. Window tint can safeguard your family and personal belongings from intruders by creating a thick impenetrable shield for your home.
Tempered Glass Alternative
Need tempered glass but can’t stand the thought of the price? Use window tint instead! Window tint can help bring your home up to code by strengthening the windows near your stairs, shower, or pool.
Residential Security Film Brands
3M Safety & Security Window Film
3M is known for their commitment to innovation. 3M Safety & Security Films are dependable and long lasting, delivering your home continual protection over the years.
Llumar Safety & Security Window Film
When it comes to appearances, Llumar takes the win. Available in multiple styles, Llumar Safety & Security Films allow you to increase the performance of your windows while also adding beauty and elegance to your home.
Huper Optik Safety & Security Window Film
For a clear window tinting solution, opt for Huper Optik film. Huper Optik Safety & Security Film provides protection without altering the aesthetic appearance of your windows.
Madico Safety & Security Window Film
Madico SafetyShield has been trusted by homeowners all over the country for decades. SafetyShield effectively deters intruders, mitigates damage from accidents, and quells the force of natural disasters.
Hanita Coatings Safety & Security Window Film
Hanita SafetyZone window films are created on the basis of security research conduction in Israel. These window films are so advanced, they can resist almost any level of force, including blasts and naturally occuring catastrophes.
Solar Gard Safety & Security Window Film
Solar Gard Armorcoat is an advanced window technology that combines two layers of film to create energy efficiency and shatter resistance. Using Armorcoat is a sure way to protect your home from human caused and naturally occuring dangers.
Schedule Your Home Security Consultation Today
Consult with the experts about your home security needs. Call Window Tint Kansas City to schedule an appointment for a free home security consultation or receive an estimate on residential security film in Kansas City.
Install Security Window Film: Get your security window tinting done by the experts. Call Window Tint Kansas City, the number one window tinting experts in the Kansas City area to schedule an appointment for professional window film installation.